

Dear World berbasis di Jakarta, Indonesia.

Ribka Anastasia adalah wanita dibelakang blog ini, menjadi penulis tetap di beberapa in house corporate magazine Jakarta.

Kalian bisa menghubungi Ribka lewat email di:
ribkhaa at yahoo dot com
atau menghubungi via Twitter yaitu @helloribka

Untuk keperluan bisnis (advertising atau sponsorship), press atau media, serta informasi lainnya bisa menghubungi via email terlebih dahulu.

Terima kasih. Berbahagia!


Dear World based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Ribka Anastasia develops this personal blog and she also working for several in house corporate magazine around Jakarta.

You can contact her thru email:
ribkhaa at yahoo dot com
or simply say hello to her thru Twitter at @helloribka

For any business (advertising or sponsorship), press or media, and information inquires please send her email first.

Thank you. Be happy!

*) Previous post for #sponsor see here.